Helpful Resources

Making Pharmacy Benefits Easy!

Keeping track of the world of pharmacy benefits can be challenging. Finding the information you need to make decisions for your organization shouldn’t be difficult too. Pharmastar continually provides its audience with a wide range of free tools, resources and information.

Useful Tools

Top 7 Lost PDE Revenue Opportunities

In one year, the average PACE plan can lose $150,000 in revenue due to fixable PDE errors. Successful PDE submissions are a critical component for the financial health and compliance requirements of a PACE plan. However, the PDE submission process is often easier said than done and can be littered with errors and issues.

5 Point Checklist

How can you tell you are getting the performance you should from your PBM? The 5 Points of a Valuable PBM Partnership Checklist can help you assess that and give you a clear picture of what might be missing.

The PBM Advantage Scorecard

How is your PBM performing? In less than 10 minutes, you will be able to rate what's important to your organization when working with a Pharmacy Benefit Management company. Highlighting these areas will allow for a more efficient workplace and better overall outcomes.

Pharmacy Management Assessment

Can you honestly say your pharmacy benefit programs run smoothly without a hitch? Pharmacy benefits programs should offer simple, cohesive support. If you are interested in learning about and implementing best practices, contact us for a free Pharmacy Management Assessment.

White Paper: Are You Ready for an Audit?

PACE organizations face numerous challenges on a daily basis, all while trying to provide high quality and meaningful care. This is why it is vital that they fully understand and prepare for all the factors that can affect an unexpected CMS audit of their PACE program.

White Paper: Lack of Transparency

PBMs have the power to influence costs and access, and are increasingly pressured by the health care industry to openly discuss their business practices. When your PBM promises a transparent relationship, plans will know whether negotiations are ethical, and that all discounts and savings are Lack of Transparency: Combat Deceptive PBM Practices made in their best interest.

Top 7 Correctable PDE Submission Errors

PACE organizations face numerous challenges on a daily basis, all while trying to provide high quality and meaningful care. With the constantly changing Medicare guidelines, PDE submissions are being rejected at an alarming rate. However, with this helpful tip sheet, you will gain an understanding.


Guidance is always coming out from CMS and it can be difficult sorting through information to determine what has the greatest impact for PACE organizations. Every other week, we send out a PACE-focused email summary of the latest updates from CMS. Sign up here!